As a photographer I have been working on portraits and life histories of our Kaumātua. The kaupapa started with Owairaka (Mt.Albert) through the support of Albert-Eden community Arts and is now on its way to encompassing kaumātua across Aoteraoa.
It will be a two-three year kaupapa that records and preserves the kōrero whaiaro and mātauranga of our kaumātua from across Aotearoa. Kaumātua is rooted in tikanga and story sovereignty and takes the form of photographic portraiture combined with Māori oral histories.
Community engagement is essential to this kaupapa and will be celebrated every step of the way.
Next week, we will celebrate with our very first kaumātua- from Owairaka and will be blessed at Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Ōwairaka Mount Albert.
Its been an incredibly moving and powerful kaupapa and I am excited to share it with you all…